Play CityFun games for free!
Our games have been entrusted by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania !!! We have been awarded the status of Cultural Passport. 🤩
Joy to the moon! Considering that the application is evaluated by 30 representatives of different artistic fields, and after their suggestions on whether or not to include the education in the ranks of the Passport to culture, the Minister of Culture makes the final decision on the fate of the proposed education. For me this award is like a gold medal in the Olympics. Words are not enough to describe how much effort it took to make CityFun, after more than two years of work, ready to delight you - small and big. 🥳
All games are completely free for students in grades 7-12. If you would like to reserve a game, please email:
See you in the game,
Loreta, an admirer of world cities
Joy to the moon! Considering that the application is evaluated by 30 representatives of different artistic fields, and after their suggestions on whether or not to include the education in the ranks of the Passport to culture, the Minister of Culture makes the final decision on the fate of the proposed education. For me this award is like a gold medal in the Olympics. Words are not enough to describe how much effort it took to make CityFun, after more than two years of work, ready to delight you - small and big. 🥳
All games are completely free for students in grades 7-12. If you would like to reserve a game, please email:
See you in the game,
Loreta, an admirer of world cities
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